If you’re a published author with MindStir Media, your book will be available at Amazon.com (through a product listing) as part of the publishing package you purchased. However, one often overlooked feature of Amazon.com is the option for each author to have his/her own separate Author Page at Amazon. When an Amazon visitor lands on your book’s listing at Amazon, he can click the author name and see the Author Page. The anatomy of an Author Page includes an author photo; author biography; bibliography information; a follow button (so Amazon customers can opt-in for updates about you); blog implementation; and a forum for customers to discuss you and your books and communicate directly with you through Amazon.
For $500, we will setup your official Author Page on your behalf and then optimize the page.
By purchasing this service, you agree to be bound by our Terms & Conditions.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a training program. We will setup and provide an initial round of optimization for the Author Page but any future updates should be performed by the author.