In 2023, MindStir Media and Mariel Hemingway worked together to launch Mariel Hemingway’s Book Club, through which books selected by Mariel will be featured and promoted on social media and right here on this official webpage. Mariel Hemingway is an Oscar nominated actress with over sixty acting credits as well as a best-selling author of six books. She was co-executive producer of the Emmy-nominated Running From Crazy, a rich and evocative documentary about the Hemingway family, in collaboration with Oprah Winfrey. She also carries one of the most famous surnames in literature as the granddaughter of the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Ernest Hemingway.
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Mariel Hemingway’s Selections of 2023

Chris Masiello’s book is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs (and everyone) to find solace in the twists and turns that happen in business. When you can see all that occurs on our journey (work and otherwise) as an opportunity, you find yourself grounded in the unfolding of success. Chris offers this wisdom in a simple and doable way.”
Mariel Hemingway
Now a Wall Street Journal Bestseller!
“Change – Short and Simple guides us through not only navigating change but also how to invite, accept, and encourage change in our lives.” – Kevin Harrington, Original Shark from ABC’s hit TV show “Shark Tank” and Bestselling Author
“An insightful, digestible, and actionable guide to changing not only your lifestyle but the mentality which dictates it.” – J.J. Hebert, USA Today & WSJ bestselling author
Overwhelmed by the need to make changes in your life? Constrained by thinking and habits that no longer serve you or a view of yourself that gets in the way? In this wise and action-oriented book, Chris Masiello presents an array of strategies to shift your perspective on how to address, accept, and leverage change. You will find practical insights on the relationship between change and the human psyche, step-based guides on how we affect change and vice versa, and the instruction to put ideas into practice. If change doesn’t stop, we can at least plan for it using Masiello’s astute teachings in Change – Short and Simple.
Chris Masiello has built a successful, nearly forty-year career, spanning a variety of nationally recognized businesses in the real estate and financial services sectors, accounting for over two billion in annual sales. He continues to lead a portfolio of successful companies.
Chris is also a recognized expert in business and a personal empowerment speaker. News sources such as ABC affiliates, Wall Street Journal, and others frequently seek Chris’s insight, and he has received numerous industry achievements including recognition as one of the most influential trendsetting leaders in the real estate and home services industries.

Eric provides readers with an interesting perspective on how cannabis emotionally opened up his relationship with his wife and children. I was intrigued by how observant he became in every aspect of his brain function.”
Mariel Hemingway
“Higher Connections is highly entertaining and Right has a good turn of phrase backed by an engaging and self-deprecating sense of humor. Amusing in places and packed with Eric and Alexandra Right’s own insights and opinions, Higher Connections is a subjective study on cannabis use in which the authors offer some personal, anecdotal evidence as to the benefits of the drug.” —IndieReader
Most people go through life worrying about silly things: careers, mortgages, family strife, the size of their biceps, how many Instagram followers they have, and most importantly, fantasy football. What if there was a way to get more out of life through deeper and more meaningful connections with those you care the most about? Some people turn to religion or meditation for these connections; I turned to my one true friend, cannabis.
The book summarizes my experiences with cannabis, the interesting connections I have made, the benefits to me from making these connections, what I think is happening that allows me to make these connections, and some other random and (hopefully) funny observations I have written down while high.
I hope you enjoy the trip as much as I did.

So bravo to Bob Gonzalez for this poignant window into the world of deep sea and the extraordinary fish that call it home. A Flicker in the Water is a telling title to the stories that emerge from that flicker. I tip my hat to Bob Gonzalez, to my dad and my grandfather who also see/saw the flickers of the water as a symbol of the men they wanted to be, men who spoke the language of the water.”
Mariel Hemingway
If you’re yearning for tales about adventure and fun on the open sea, look no further!
The crew welcomes you aboard the Twister, one of the finest fishing vessels in the Gulf of Mexico, as the search is on for the big ones that legends are made of. Blue marlin, yellowfin tuna, swordfish, and more are waiting to be caught, just so long as Bob and his friends have the strength to reel them in.
Told in a fun, engaging style, this book combines elements of drama, heroism, and skill with humor and some educational points about the sea and its inhabitants, with plenty of surprises along the way.
The stories will make you feel like you are out on the water yourself getting ready to land that next great catch you’ll be talking about for the rest of your life. Experienced seamen and land lubbers alike will enjoy this peek into one of the good parts of life with all of its promises and perils.
The use of the word Tales in the subtitle is a play on the word “Tails” that matches the Goliath Grouper on the front cover. When you look into the mouth of the Grouper, we hope you’ll want to look inside this exciting collection of tales.

Being a native Idahoan, I was drawn to this book… knowing the topography and nature made me feel an intimacy that makes me smile. But more importantly, Tara Westover’s story is completely compelling and inspirational. Tara’s memoir is what makes another see their good fortune or in the least realize we can all achieve our dreams regardless of our circumstances.”
Mariel Hemingway
#1 NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, AND BOSTON GLOBE BESTSELLER • One of the most acclaimed books of our time: an unforgettable memoir about a young woman who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University
“Extraordinary . . . an act of courage and self-invention.” —The New York Times
NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW • ONE OF PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA’S FAVORITE BOOKS OF THE YEAR • BILL GATES’S HOLIDAY READING LIST • FINALIST: National Book Critics Circle’s Award In Autobiography and John Leonard Prize For Best First Book • PEN/Jean Stein Book Award • Los Angeles Times Book Prize
Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education, and no one to intervene when one of Tara’s older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was still a way home.

I really loved this book for its heart, its glimpses of Hemingway history, and for a truly creative reimagining of Hemingway lore. I just had to know how things ended up for Finn and I think you will too.”
Mariel Hemingway
The novel focuses on Finn Hemingway. She knows for a fact that she’s been born at the wrong time into the wrong family with the wrong talents, making her three dreams for the future almost impossible to attain. She burns to be a trial lawyer in an era when Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being told to type and when a man who is 500th in his law school class is hired over a woman who is first in hers. She yearns to find true love when the family curse dictates that love always ends for the Hemingways, and usually, it ends badly. And finally, she’d give up the first two dreams if she were able to triumph on the third. She longs to have an impact on the only thing that matters to her father: his writing. To accomplish that would require a miracle. All three dreams are almost impossible, but it’s the “almost” that keeps Finn going. Ernest Hemingway had three sons but ached to have a daughter.

The Adventures of Amber will be a great addition to your child’s home library, and it will certainly be enjoyed by everyone else at home as well.”
Mariel Hemingway
Amber, a nature-loving girl who enjoys afternoon walks in the woods with her grandma and puppy, has an adventurous spirit and a heart that belongs to Mother Nature. She takes you on a magical journey in the woods near her grandparents’ mountain cottage. Immerse yourself in the magnificent beauty of nature with the experiences from Amber’s perspective. This book will inspire readers to go outdoors and appreciate the wonders of Mother Nature.

I’m an advocate for bringing light to those who seem to think that darkness is forever. This book of poetry is a window into a world of darkness and also a window of light in which to find your way out. Thank you Dan for your insight, bittersweet wit and courage to address what we don’t want to talk about.”
Mariel Hemingway
Lined with verses built to absorb shock like bubble wrapping, Dan Fecht’s first collection of poetry plays out as a talk show in real time; a collection that acts as a hawk diving through the air for its game and rising straight back up against the wind to no resistance, Assisted Suicide Talk Show is not only an expedition through the human conduit, but a spiritual journey to meet and know God once and for all–with seemingly everything at stake…

Edward Hemingway is such an amazing artist and storyteller. I think our genes are fully realized in his amazing work.”
Mariel Hemingway
Pigeon and Cat form a lasting bond in this poignant picture book about compassion and friendship.
In an abandoned city lot, Cat lives alone in a cardboard box. He leaves only to find food. One day, Cat discovers an unbroken egg too beautiful to eat. Soon, out pecks Pigeon, and they become fast friends. Cat is happy to share his box with Pigeon. But when Pigeon flies far away from where they live, Cat must brave the city in order to rescue his friend. This journey will forever transform his understanding of home.
This heartwarming story explores unlikely friendships, the creative spark within us, and how to give comfort and kindness in small, impactful gestures. It is also a celebration of urban community.
Want Your Book To Be Considered for the Book Club?
Mariel is open to all genres but your book MUST be professionally edited and available to buy online