Produce Your Audiobook for Half the Price and A Fraction of the Time of Human Narration
Narration produced by natural-sounding, synthetic voices using artificial intelligence has finally reached a professional, premium level and is virtually indiscernible from human narration. Don’t believe us? Check out the AI samples below to hear our AI narration technology in action.Instead of paying upwards of $7,000 and waiting 1-2 months to get your audiobook narrated and produced, our AI audiobook package is offered for $3,500 and the narration can be produced and fine-tuned in about a week. Learn more about the benefits of using AI narration in this article posted by USA Today/WSJ bestselling author J.J. Hebert.
Premium, Natural-Sounding AI Narration Examples
Tina Woods (US) Mason Jackson (US) Carly Owen (UK) Hubert Grant (UK)Premium Audiobook – AI: $3,500
- Choose from up to 60 natural-sounding AI voices to narrate your audiobook.
- Fast production turnaround time, generally within a week.
- Proofing process, including two rounds of corrections as needed.
- An ISBN will be assigned to the audiobook.
- We’ll design your audiobook cover.
- The audiobook will be uploaded and sold through Kobo.
- You’ll receive monthly royalty payments directly from Kobo.
- Also includes sales reporting directly from Kobo.
- Delivery of the final audiobook file to you for your use elsewhere.
Poor credit? Apply via Coach Financing.
By purchasing this service, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.

Premium Audiobook AI Publishing Package FAQ
How much can I expect to receive for royalties from audiobook sales?
For audiobooks, Kobo pays 45% of the list price for a-la-carte purchases, provided the list price is greater than, or equal to $2.99 USD. For subscription downloads, you will receive 32% of the list price.
Will my audiobook be available on CD?
We focus solely on digital audiobook publishing and distribution at this time.
How long will it take to publish my audiobook?
It usually takes less than a week to create the audiobook and an 1-2 weeks approx. for distribution through Kobo to occur.
How is an audiobook cover different from a print book or ebook cover?
An audiobook cover must be a perfect square, 2400 x 2400 minimum.
Are there any limitations with AI produced audiobooks?
Not all retailers allow AI produced audiobooks, so distribution will be limited. If you want extended distribution, including Audible, you should choose our Human Narration option. Also, novels that have unique, otherworldly names or pronunciations could prove to be difficult for AI tech without human intervention and additional charges.
Who will be listed as the audiobook narrator?
Your narrator’s name will be listed as “Female synthesized voice” or “Male synthesized voice,” or some similar variation.